Everyone knows what happened, which was a pretty rats buzz! But what better way to fundraise, and try lift broken spirits than a big skull of homegrown music; the perfect remedy!
So what you've got here is not only a frontline of Samoan musicians in the mix, but those who felt just as shocked as you and I and are keen on helping where they can. Everyone in on this gig offered their service for free, so all money that is raised goes straight to Samoa! So why not be apart of a massive event that you can put your name against. Wellington, Dunedin & Christchurch has still to announce a date! I know I want to chip in, but transferring 25bux to an account feels like it ain't enough, but buy a ticket to this gig and you'll definitely feel you've chipped in! Though if you like fighting and stepping out younger/smaller people then spend your money on a box and please stay home.
Venue: Vector Arena
Date: Monday 19th October, 2009
Cost: $25.00
Tickets On Sale: Midday Friday 9th October from Ticketmaster (http://www.ticketmaster.co.nz/)
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